Crear una paina web
Crear una paina web

crear una paina web
crear una paina web

That is why it is important to have a navigation menu that allows them to move around them. Nest the page by dragging it on top of another.Īs usual, websites have more than one page. En este video puedes ver de forma clara cómo crear una página web en HTML.Change their order by dragging them up or down.Add URL by clicking “Add Link” on the anchor icon.In case you want add pages You will have to: Under "Font Style" select a style.Īnother important aspect to take into account is the organization of your pages. Ahora voy a crear un archivo con el nombre configuracion.go, tu le puedes poner el nombre que desees, en este archivo haremos la configuración e importación de los módulos y elementos necesarios para poder crear nuestra página web. Change the theme Y font style in “Themes”, selecting the one you prefer and its color. Ingresamos al directorio que hemos creado.Here you can choose if you want a cover, big header, header or just a title. Modify your header under “Heading Type”.You can upload it from your computer or from your Drive folder. Change the background image clicking “Change image”.Click on “Layouts” and add the designs that you like, dragging them to the template.On the one hand, you can select its design: Once you have it created, Google Sites will give you multiple customization options. What is Crear mi pagina webs tech stack The technologies that are used by Crear mi pagina web are: ASP.NET, PHP, Google Cloud Platform, SiteGround Email. Indicate the name of your website in “Website Document Name”, “Website Name” and “Page Title”.To do this, go to Google Sites and follow the steps below: You can divide the attendance into 1 hour one day and another hour another day, clearly within a period of no more than a week.The first step you have to take is to create your website. In these 2 hours you will be able to talk to us via skype, hangouts (google) or facebook messenger and ask us everything you need to know about the assistance already mentioned above. Example: – Assistance Create and edit your website


If they acquire the hosting through these linksġ – Assistance to install editor and template of your websiteĢ – Assistance to create professional emails with your website. If you have been encouraged and want to create your page yourself, remember to buy your hosting with the following links and gives you 2 hours of advice.


Note: If you still don’t have your Logo, you can see our different plans at and you can demand a 20% discount, you just have to share our video on facebook and tag us is the video with all the details of how to do it. – We edit and / or create individual web pages The Hosting that we recommend are: Blue Host and HostGator, both have very similar plans and the quality is very very good.

crear una paina web

Teniendo claro todo esto resulta mucho más sencillo adaptarlo en un. A partir de aquí, puedes dibujar en un papel cómo sería tu página, las diferentes secciones con las que contará y como vas a tratar cada uno de los aspectos.

crear una paina web


We have to be clear that free hosting or domain always appear, but they are not recommended since in many of these you are totally limited to modify your page, ads will also appear that you do not know where they will come from. Una de las partes más importantes a la hora de crear una página web desde cero es tener bien claro el diseño. If you do not have much knowledge of this I leave you the link to our blog of “because it is necessary for your business to have a web page”.Īfter having the hosting and domain, we will proceed to install WordPress, which is the most recommended platform to modify your website. The first thing we need is to buy a Domain and a Hosting. Manejamos precios competitivos de mercado, adecuado para cada anteproyecto de pgina web. La herramienta de analtica web, proteccin de contenido con contrasea y posibilidad de incluir tu propio cdigo HTML son elementos importantes de un sitio web. If you don’t have the budget, don’t worry, you can do it yourself, with tutorials like this one. Nos especializamos en crear una imagen comercial de calidad y. It is clear that if you want a totally professional page, without wasting a lot of time and you have a budget for this, it is always recommended to pay a web designer like In this post we will show you how you can create your website from 0 yourself. Main Business, Information, Logos, Pagina Web, Wordpress No Comments 826

Crear una paina web